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Going on Holiday?

We buy & sell over 80 currencies

 Currency NameWe SellWe Buy
FlagUnited States Dollars1.29001.3330
FlagCanadian Dollar1.73001.8900
FlagSwiss Franc1.09001.1900
FlagUnited Arab Emirates Dirham4.67005.0000

Currency rates last updated on 08/10/2024

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How it Works

  • Purchase or Reserve

    Purchase or Reserve

    You can either buy the currency and pay for it. Or you can reserve the currency you need and we will keep it in our branch for you to collect. Usually we hold the currency for next working day.

  • Collect or Home Delivery

    Collect at Branch or Home Delivery

    Select either to collect the currency from one of our branches in London Paddington; or select Home Delivery option.

  • Off to Holiday

    You are benefitted from the best exchange rates which gives you maximum currency amount for your hard earned pounds. Enjoy your holiday.

Currency Exchange Rates & Comparison

Buy Cash Currency

1 GBP   =   1.1600 EUR
Euros you get for £1000 US Dollars you get for £1000
WeBuyAnyCurrency €1095
WeBuyAnyCurrency 1095 1235
Post Office 1091.8 €3.20 Less 1230.5$4.50 Less
M And S 1079.5 €15.50 Less 1216.44$18.56 Less
Natwest 1062.1 €32.90 Less 1196.7$38.30 Less
Travel Ex 1082.5 €12.50 Less 1213.6$21.40 Less

Selling comparison chart updated on 09/11/2019

  • We Provide Best Currecy Rates
  • Buy Over 80 Different Currencies with us
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